Season’s second competition of indoor aerobatics was held in Pietarsaari, 21.11.2009.
Continue reading ‘The second winter season competition in Pietarsaari’
Results from the first competition of indoor aerobatics Finnish Cup 2010. Due to tight schedule only two rounds were flown in Sport, Advanced and Aeromusical classes. In FAI class all three rounds were flown and two best rounds were taken into account to final results in below.
Continue reading ‘F3P Indoor Results, Eerikkilä FlyIndoor ’09′
Photos from the semifinals on friday.
Results of the semifinals:
Photos from wednesday.
Results of the preliminaries:
The Finnish National team is reporting to discussion forum in Finnish, but You can take a look at their photos on these pages (see other news below). Here are some links to more worlds reports by other teams and enthusiast. Thanks to everyone involved for keeping us back home updated and best of luck for all of the teams!
Team USA reports by Cindy Wickizer
The WC 2009 thread in RC Universe
Team Austria reporting (in German) Babelfish traslated to English
Team Ecuador (in Spanish) Lots of great photos! Babelfish translated to English
Team Argentina (in Spanish) Babelfish translated to English
Team Spain (in Spanish) Babelfish translated to English
Videos by Andres Girabel (ESP) in Vimeo
Photos from friday, official practice and inspection for team Finland
Photos from the third day of unofficial practice.
Suomen taitolennokki maajoukkue Portugalin MM-kisoissa koostuu piloteista Lassi Nurila, Jani Loikkanen ja Antti Aho-Mantila, avustajana Milja Hahto. Antti on samalla myös joukkueenjohtaja.
Tässä joitakin kuvia ekoilta harjoituspäiviltä 18.-19.8 Fatiman kentältä. Lisää myöhemmin.
Suomen joukkueen kuulumisia voi seurata myös kisasäikeessä:
Finnish team members visited the Swedish F3A championships on their way to the Nordic championships in Grenå Denmark. Two finnish FAI pilots, Antti Aho-Mantila and Lassi Nurila, as well as one Nordic pilot, Raimo Ruokonen, took part in the competition. There were altogether 14 pilots in FAI and 7 in Nordic class.
Weather conditions were mostly windy and rainy on both competition days.
Continue reading ’18.-19.7.2009 – F3A Väst Gothenburg’
The final F3A competition results of season 2009:
Continue reading ‘Final results of the Finnish F3A season 2009’