Archive for the 'F3P-FAI' Category

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InSkaala 2008 – F3P Sport, Advanced, FAI

Date for InSkaala 2008 indoor flying event has been confirmed, it will be 22.11.2008. The place is Tellushalli in Pietarsaari. In this event indoor aerobatics will be flown in classes F3P Sport, Advanced and the new F3P-A schedule (the Dutch schedule).

Indoor Aerobatic German Championships 2008

The Finish team is for the second time going to take part in the F3P German Indoor Aerobatic Championships. The team will be atteding the second qualification on March 1.-2.2008 in Poing, near Munich . The team consists of three pilots Pasi Kärppä, Jooel Kalmari and Kimmo Kaukoranta. The support crew is Kimmo Lehtonen and Jani Sipponen

Home page of the organizing club:

Results and pictures from Pietarsaari InSkaala F3P-pattern competitions

Last weekend an indoor happening “InSkaala” was held in Pietarsaari. Pattern competitions were held in three classes with the following results:

F3P Sport: 1. Jarkko Hyttinen 2. Raimo Ruokonen 3. Iiro Lehto

F3P Advanced: 1. Pasi Kärppä 2. Juhani Lauri 3. Jooel Kalmari

F3P FAI: 1. Kimmo Kaukoranta 2. Juhani Lauri 3. Pasi Kärppä

Continue reading ‘Results and pictures from Pietarsaari InSkaala F3P-pattern competitions’

Bulletin, InSkaala 2007

inSkaala is an annual indoor scale model flying event organized by Pietarsaari RC-flying Club (Pietarsaaren Seudun RC-lentäjät). The event is mainly focused on indoor RC scale models but there is a lot of activities around other types of indoor flying. F3P-Sport, Advanced and FAI indoor competitions are flown during the event.

Notice the changed date. The new one is Saturday October 6th. More information at

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