(Suomi) F3P-FAI Alkukierros- ja finaaliohjelmat

No F3P-FAI, P-program K
1 Takeoff (not scored)
2 Rolling loop with one roll 6
3 1/4-roll, half square in knife edge, 1/4-roll, exit inverted 5
4 Four point roll in 45-degree climb, exit inverted 7
5 Inverted half-circle 6
6 Reverse cuban 8 from top with 1/2-rolls, exit inverted 7
7 Half square loop from top, exit inverted 2
8 1 1/2 rolling circles with thee half rolls opposite, first 1/2-roll outside 7
9 Stall-turn, 1/2-roll up, exit inverted 7
10 Reverse 1/2-torque rolls, exit inverted 4
11 Half square loop 2
12 Spin 3
13 Landing (not scored)

F3P-AP preliminary program as PDF document for easy printing:


F3P-AF final program as PDF document for easy printing:
